The Intrastat System is the set of procedures that guarantee the fulfillment of two important functions:
The fiscal control Intra-Community trade in goods and services provided by domestic operators with the rest of the European community;
The statistics on the exchange of goods made by national operators with the rest of the European community.
The parties responsible for providing the information for Intrastat are the operators whose annual value of trade, dispatches and arrivals, does not exceed a certain threshold. The other operators are exempted from the statistics. This value is redefined by each member state each year and set separately for exports and imports in order to collect a minimum amount of data for each trade flow. There is talk of exclusion thresholds.
You must provide Intrastat lists the following significant transactions for VAT purposes:
- Purchase and sales of goods from suppliers and customers in EU member state, and holders VAT in their own state.
- Services relating to purchases and sales of goods from suppliers and customers in EU member state, and holders of VAT in their own state.
- The purchase or the performance of services by taxable persons establisched in another Member State of European Community.
- The movements of goods different from the purchases and sales to and from subjects belonging to member states of the EU, and holders of VAT in their own state. In the latter case, the list must not be completed for tax purposes, but only for statistical purposes.
From 1 January 2010 is permitted single presentation electronically via EDI system or using electronic channels made available by the Inland Revenue (Entratel or Fisconline).
The Cicatiello Group provides an opportunity for individuals required to file Intrastat to perform, on their behalf, the procedures required by the deadlines indicated by current standards.